Talk:Office of the Dead

This article at a glance appears to have been liberated from New Advent's article Office of the Dead almost verbatim - someone with an appropriate background and knowledge base should rewrite the sections on history and practice/obligation so that plagarism isn't an issue.

Plagiarism is most definitely not an issue. Article's copyright has expired. Rwflammang (talk) 01:22, 13 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
It might not be an issue, but somebody needs to re-write it anyway. There are so many technical terms that only someone with intimate knowledge of Catholic esoterica can understand the article. Boneyard90 (talk) 13:06, 27 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
And it's so dense my eyes just slide right off of it. Also, there are numbers in the format [#], which appear to refer to footnotes in the original text, but now are just confusing. A good start (which I can't do right now) would be to remove those numbers & brackets if you make sure one by one that they're not referencing anything in the article and also break up those overly long paragraphs.
Thanks, --Geekdiva (talk) 03:57, 19 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]