Taukei ni Waluvu

Taukei ni Waluvu is a Fijian phrase for "Owner of the Flood." It is the traditional chiefly title of the warrior hill clan Siko-Natabutale of Nairukuruku village. The history of the clan from the mid- nineteenth century, represent the social structures of the chiefly system, religion and western culture that supported colonialism in Fiji. Tradition, Christianity and British indirect rule were combined to legitimize what was accepted as the right way to govern. Condemned by some modern day critics as exploitative, the Fijian chiefly system was the medium of native social interdependence and a traditional contract shared by the indigenous clans of pre-colonial Fiji, that was utilized for colonial rule.[1] Since Independence the chiefly system has had to adapt to the demands of modernity. Anthropologist Arthur Capell in his study of early tribal migration within Fiji made the point that, "the history of Fiji is the history of chiefly families."[2] The phrase in fact emphasized the hierarchical nature of Fijian traditional society where chiefly power was held sacred. The relationship between Chiefs and Westerners in especially Missionaries thus became a focal point for gathering insight into Fijian culture and tradition in the nineteenth century. James Turner a latter anthropologist found, "The chiefly families of Nairukuruku were the first in the eastern highlands of Viti Levu to declare their allegiance to the central government and as a result of this support their influence expanded throughout the area".[3]

  1. ^ Colin Newbury,'History Heumaneutics and Fijian Ethnic 'Paramountcy',The Journal of Pacific History,46:1, Jun 2011,pp.27–57.
  2. ^ A. Capell, Oceania, "Local Divisions and Movement in Fiji", Vol X1 No. 4, Jun 1941, p.327.
  3. ^ James W Turner, "The Sins of the Father: Rank and Succession in a Fijian Chiefdom", Oceania, 57:2, December 1986, p.128.