
Technocentrism is a value system that is centered on technology and its ability to control and protect the environment.[citation needed] Technocentrics argue that technology can address ecological problems through its problem-solving ability, efficiency, and its managerial means.[1] Specifically, these capabilities allow humans control over nature, allowing them to correct or negotiate environmental risks or problems.[1] Although technocentrics may accept that environmental problems exist, they do not see them as problems to be solved by a reduction in industry. Rather, environmental problems are seen as problems to be solved using rational, scientific and technological means. They also believe in scientific research. Indeed, technocentrics see the way forward for both developed and developing countries, and the solutions to environmental problems, as lying in scientific and technological advancement (sometimes referred to as sustainopreneurship).[2]

  1. ^ a b Mason, Michael (2012). Environmental Democracy. London: Earthscan Publications, Ltd. p. 24. ISBN 1853836184.
  2. ^ "Ecocentrism & Technocentrism".