Telecommunications in Portugal

Portugal has a modern and flexible telecommunications market and a wide range of varied media organisations. The regulatory body overseeing communications is called ANACOM.

The country has one of the highest mobile phone penetration rates in the world (the number of operative mobile phones already exceeds the population). This network also provides wireless mobile Internet connections as well, and covers the entire territory. As of 2023, 94% of households had high-speed Internet services[1] and 97% of companies had Internet access.[2] Most Portuguese watch television through fibre-optic (2023: 66.2% of households)[1]. Paid Internet connections are available at many cafés, as well as many post offices. One can also surf on the Internet at hotels, conference centres and shopping centres, where special areas are reserved for this purpose. Free Internet access is also available to Portuguese residents at "Espaços de Internet" across the country.

  1. ^ a b "94% das famílias dispunha de banda larga fixa em 2023". 2024-08-22. Retrieved 2024-03-06.
  2. ^ "Proporção de empresas com 10 e mais pessoas ao serviço que utilizaram a Internet para interagir com organismos, entidades e autoridades públicas (%) por Escalão de pessoal ao serviço; Anual". INE. 2023-11-21. Retrieved 2024-03-06.