Telephone numbers in Svalbard

Country Code: +47 79 (partial)
International Call Prefix: 00
Trunk Prefix: none

Svalbard is a part of the Kingdom of Norway and is located in the Arctic Ocean.

Telephone numbers in Svalbard use Norway's country code.

Format: +47 79 XX XX XX

Number range Usage
from to
79 00 00 00 79 00 49 99 Svalbard, TDC AS
79 00 50 00 79 00 59 99 Svalbard, Telipol AS
79 00 60 00 79 00 99 99 Svalbard, reserve
79 01 00 00 79 02 99 99 Svalbard, Telenor Telecom Solutions AS
79 03 00 00 79 99 99 99 Svalbard, reserve