Telephone numbers in Turkey

Telephone numbers in Turkey
NSN length10
Format0 (xxx) xxx xx xx
Access codes
Country code+90
International access00

Telephone numbers in Turkey went from six (2+4) to seven digits (3+4) local phone numbers c.1988, at which time Ankara went from 41 to 4. There used to be more than 5,000 local area codes of varying lengths (one to five digits) with correspondingly varying local number lengths (seven to three digits).

The new system is based on 3 three-digit area codes for provinces and seven digit local phone numbers. Istanbul is the exception and it gets two area codes ([212] for the European and [216] for the Asian side).

Calling a mobile phone from outside Turkey is the same except the three digit numbers are replaced with the ones of the companies. For example: [+][9][0] + [mobile network id number] + [seven digit number].

The following are the company identification numbers for the major mobile Turkish networks: Turkcell (530-539, 561 61X XXXX, 516 16X XXXX), Vodafone (540-549), Türk Telekom (500-509 and 550-559) and NETGSM (510 22X XXXX).[1][2]

Local numbers in most areas were also changed in conjunction with the numbering plan that took effect 30 August 1993.

If a former area code is indicated, this is for the major centre in the new area code's district. The new area codes will also replace former area codes other than the primary one mentioned.

  1. ^ "Mobil Hat (GSM) - Netgsm". Archived from the original on 2023-06-14.
  2. ^ NUMBER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NUMBERING REPORT (OPEN TO PUBLIC)) ,, 14 June 2023, Retrieved 26 January 2024