Telescopium Herschelii

Photograph of Telescopium Herschelii with constellations Gemini, Auriga, Perseus and the Pleiades
Telescopium Herschelii on a celestial globe at the Herschel Museum of Astronomy, Bath
Artistic rendering of Telescopium Herschelii.
Illustrated in Urania's Mirror (1825), next to Lynx

Telescopium Herschelii (Latin for Herschel's telescope), also formerly known as Tubus Hershelli Major, is a former constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere. Maximilian Hell established it in 1789 to honour Sir William Herschel's discovery of the planet Uranus. It fell out of use by the end of the 19th century. θ Geminorum at apparent magnitude 4.8 was the constellation's brightest star.