Template:Bar chart/doc

This template can be used to create a horizontal bar chart, scrolling down a page, in a format which can be parsed by text-based web browsers. The data items can be simple numbers, or the result of calculations based on template parameters.

Each data number (data1=7, data2=23...), in column 1, is scaled to parameter "data_max=" and the bars are sized by width in units, such as "bar_width=16" and "width_units=em". By default, the data numbers are shown within each bar, but might display outside a bar when a relatively small number generates a short bar. Each bar can also have a comment, such as "comment7=xx" to show "(xx)" after the number in bar 7.

For a 2-column bar chart, the 2nd column items have prefix "col2_" such as scale maximum, col2_data_max=110, and col2_data3=67 with col2_comment3=zz. See below: "Example with two data columns". Each bar chart can be formatted typically within 1/5 second.