
The purpose of the {{Disregard}} template is to give a visual hint to readers of talk page discussions to ignore an issue or topic that is no longer relevant or applicable. It is hoped that the existence of this tag will make it easier for the reader to pass over these topics or to understand that a response is no longer required or requested.

This template is designed to be used mostly by the author whose topic is no longer relevant and whose topic has not been responded to (or which has met with suggestions to close the thread). Tagging is not final and does not close a discussion. If the topic becomes relevant, requires a response, or the topic again becomes active, please remove the tag. The tag should be used as an alternative to leaving the topic open or to removing the topic entirely; the topic can then be archived as having been made, but a response was eventually not required by the author.

{{Disregard}} can also be used by others to flag patent nonsense posts, though these are often best WP:REFACTORed out of the page or manually closed/archived using one of the closure templates mentioned below.