Template:Map with marks/doc

Shows an image of a map, and draws user-specified images/icons on top of it using latitude/longitude coordinates.

Markup Result
Simple map with a single marker, custom size, and no minimap
{{Map with marks | width=400 | height=150 | lat=37.8 | lon=-122.4 | zoom=5 | minimap=false |

  { "lat": 37.8, "lon": -122.4 }

Two markers with labels - one as diamond shape, one uses an image from Commons
Text label can be customized with all of Vega text mark parameters by prepending "text" to their name
{{Map with marks | lat=40.816667 | lon=14.433333 | zoom=6 |

{"lat": 40.816667, "lon": 14.433333, "shape": "diamond", "size": 70, "offsetY": -10, "text": "Mount Vesuvius", "textFontWeight": "bold", "textFontSize": 16, "textColor": "#2A4B8D"},

{"lat": 40.948333, "lon": 15.635556, "img": "Volcano red 32x32.svg", "width": 16, "height": 16,  "offsetY": -20, "text": "Mount Vulture", "textFontWeight": "bold", "textFontSize": 16, "textColor": "#2A4B8D"}

One marker with labels on a blank map
{{Map with marks | style=osm | lat=40.816667 | lon=14.433333 | zoom=6 |

{"lat": 40.816667, "lon": 14.433333, "shape": "diamond", "size": 70, "offsetY": -10, "text": "Mount Vesuvius", "textFontWeight": "bold", "textFontSize": 16, "textColor": "#2A4B8D"},

Data from Commons Dataset
Same as above, but this time the data is stored on Commons in a table Data:Sandbox/Yurik/Street map with marks sample.tab
{{Map with marks | lat=40.948333 | lon=15.635556 | zoom=6 | table=Sandbox/Yurik/Street map with marks sample.tab}}
(See or edit source data)
Show all Armenian heritage sites, by querying it from Wikidata
The query result should have the same columns (fields) as in the other examples (text, img, ...), except coordinates should be returned as coord column
{{Map with marks | lat=40.347 | lon=47.260 | zoom=6 | colorScaleField=type | wdqs=
# Each location should show only once. This query may output all the same values as in the other examples, such as "text", "img", and others.
SELECT (SAMPLE(?coord) as ?coord) (SAMPLE(?type) as ?type)
  ?item wdt:P3170 ?heritageId .
  ?item wdt:P625 ?coord .
  ?item wdt:P31 ?type .
GROUP BY ?item
{{Map with marks | lat=-33.8688 | lon=151.2093 | zoom=10 |
  "lat": -33.8688,
  "lon": 151.2093,
  "img": "Opera_House_and_ferry._Sydney.jpg",
  "width": 48,
  "height": 36,
  "text": "Sydney",
  "textFontWeight": "bold",
  "textFontSize": 20,
  "textColor": "#00f",
  "textAlign": "right",
  "textDx": -30

The data template parameter must be a comma separated list of "JSON" objects. Each object starts with a "{", has a list of comma separated key-value pairs, and ends with a "}". The key may be one of the following values (used no more than once per each object):

Built-in marker shapes
shape "circle" (default), "square", "cross", "diamond", "triangle-up", "triangle-down" (docs)
color shape fill color, e.g. "#ff0000" (red - default)
strokeColor shape outline color
size shape size (number)
Text labels (see more info)
text Label text
textAlign Label's horizontal alignment relative to the marker - "left", "right", "center". By default, left for LTR, right for RTL languages.
textBaseline Vertical alignment: "middle" (default), "top", "bottom"
textColor Label text color, e.g. "#ff0000" (red)
textDx, textDy Horizontal and vertical distance from the marker
angle Draw text at an angle
radius/theta Radial positioning of the label relative to the marker
font, fontSize, fontWeight, fontStyle Font name, size, boldness, and style
Image markers
img URL of an image, e.g. wikirawupload:{{filepath:Volcano red 32x32.svg|32}}
height, width Size of the image
offsetX, offsetY Shift the center of the image on the map