
Picture of the day
Climate of Alaska
The climate of Alaska is influenced by its maritime position and its location partly within the Arctic Circle. In the southeast, Alaska has an oceanic climate, in the central region, a subarctic climate and, in the north, a polar climate.

Seen here in winter from NASA's Aqua satellite, some 700 km (430 mi) up, the Alaskan ground is blanketed by snow, and ice is creeping out over the sea, with some of the coastline being indistinct. The tundra appears white, while the evergreen trees of the boreal forest make the forested areas appear darker, and the sinuous courses of rivers can be seen. The greenish color of the Bering Sea may indicate a phytoplankton bloom or may be the result of turbulence caused by winter storms.Photograph credit: NASA / MODIS / Jeff Schmaltz