
Picture of the day
The Voyage of Life: Childhood
Childhood is the first in a series of allegorical oil-on-canvas paintings by American artist Thomas Cole, entitled The Voyage of Life, which represent man's journey through life. In the painting, an infant sits in a boat guided by an angel. The vessel glides out of a dark, craggy cave, which Cole described as being "emblematic of our earthly origin, and the mysterious past". The landscape is lush; everything is calm and basking in warm sunshine, reflecting the innocence and joy of childhood. The river is smooth and narrow, symbolizing the sheltered experience of childhood, and the figurehead on the prow holds an hourglass aloft. This painting, along with the other three in the series, was painted in 1842 and is held by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.Painting credit: Thomas Cole