Makes searching through Wikipedia:Signpost articles much easier, by giving you a search box that automatically adds terrifying regexes to a query.
This template is actually several templates (articles, talk, and all) which you can select between by passing a parameter. Like so:
You can also specify triple
to get all three:
If you don't supply a parameter, or supply something not recognized, it will just return the "articles" search box.
{{Signpost/Search|tutti frutti}}
Ideally, you don't call these directly, you do it from {{Signpost/Search}}.
Searches through all pages with "Talk:" and "Signpost" in them.
The regex is this: intitle:/Signpost\/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\/.*/ -intitle:"/SPV"
Automatically filters to only pages with "Signpost" in their title.
This creates a link to a search formatted to find the most recent instance of the column name you give it. For example:
[{{Signpost/Search/mostrecent|Arbitration report}} Click here!!!]
Note that you don't need to do any special formatting (like "Arbitration_report") for the parameter -- it makes a correct URL automatically.