Temple Scroll

Portion of the Temple Scroll

The Temple Scroll (Hebrew: מגילת המקדש) is the longest of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Among the discoveries at Qumran it is designated: 11QTemple Scrolla (11Q19 [11QTa]). It describes a Jewish temple, along with extensive detailed regulations about sacrifices and temple practices. The document is written in the form of a revelation from God to Moses, thereby with the intended meaning that this is the more appropriate temple which was revealed to Moses, and that Moses' instructions were either forgotten or ignored when Solomon built the First Temple in Jerusalem. In other words, in the mind of the Scroll writer, "Solomon should actually have built the First Temple as it is described here in the Temple Scroll".[1]

  1. ^ Johann Maier, The Temple Scroll (Sheffield: JSOT Press [Supplement 34] 1985), p. 59.