Tensor vastus intermedius muscle

Tensor vastus intermedius muscle
Tensor vastus intermedius muscle
Originanterior aspect of the greater trochanter
Insertionmedial aspect of the patella
Arterylateral circumflex femoral artery
Nervefemoral nerve
ActionsMedialises the action and tenses on the aponeurosis of the vastus intermedius
LatinMusculus tensor vastus intermedius
Anatomical terms of muscle

The tensor vastus intermedius is a muscle in the anterior compartment of thigh. It lies between the vastus intermedius and the vastus lateralis. The term tensor vastus intermedius was given by Grob et al. in 2016,[1] although the structure had been reported previously.[2][3]

  1. ^ Grob, K.; Ackland, T.; Kuster, M.S.; Manestar, M.; Filgueira, L. (March 2016). "A newly discovered muscle: The tensor of the vastus intermedius: Tensor Vastus Intermedius" (PDF). Clinical Anatomy. 29 (2): 256–263. doi:10.1002/ca.22680. PMID 26732825. S2CID 38157592.
  2. ^ Willan, P L; Mahon, M; Golland, J A (February 1990). "Morphological variations of the human vastus lateralis muscle". Journal of Anatomy. 168: 235–239. PMC 1256904. PMID 2323995.
  3. ^ Golland, Jennifer; Mahon, M.; Willan, P. L. T. "Anatomical variations in human quadriceps femoris muscles": 263–264. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help) in "Proceedings of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, January 1986". Journal of Anatomy. 146: 229–268. June 1986. PMC 1166538. PMID 17103594.