Tent map

Graph of tent map function
Example of iterating the initial condition x0 = 0.4 over the tent map with μ = 1.9.

In mathematics, the tent map with parameter μ is the real-valued function fμ defined by

the name being due to the tent-like shape of the graph of fμ. For the values of the parameter μ within 0 and 2, fμ maps the unit interval [0, 1] into itself, thus defining a discrete-time dynamical system on it (equivalently, a recurrence relation). In particular, iterating a point x0 in [0, 1] gives rise to a sequence :

where μ is a positive real constant. Choosing for instance the parameter μ = 2, the effect of the function fμ may be viewed as the result of the operation of folding the unit interval in two, then stretching the resulting interval [0, 1/2] to get again the interval [0, 1]. Iterating the procedure, any point x0 of the interval assumes new subsequent positions as described above, generating a sequence xn in [0, 1].

The case of the tent map is a non-linear transformation of both the bit shift map and the r = 4 case of the logistic map.