Terminology of the British Isles

Euler diagram with an overview of the terminology
  Geographical feature     Legal distinction

The terminology of the British Isles comprises the words and phrases that are used to describe the (sometimes overlapping) geographical and political areas of the islands of Great Britain and Ireland, and the smaller islands which surround them. The terms are often a source of confusion, partly owing to the similarity between some of the actual words used but also because they are often used loosely. Many of the words carry geographical and political connotations which are affected by the history of the islands. The inclusion of Ireland in the geographical definition of British Isles is debated. Ordnance Survey Ireland does not use the term.[1]

The purpose of this article is to explain the meanings of and relationships among the terms in use; many of these classifications are contentious. (See the Names of the British Isles).

  1. ^ Journal.ie (28 October 2013). "Complex politics or simple geography: Is Ireland part of the British Isles?".