The Banks of Green Willow

\new Staff \with{ \magnifyStaff #3/4 } << 
{ \new Voice \relative c' {
  \clef treble \key a \major \time 3/4
  \autoBeamOff \partial 4 a'8 \stemUp b cis4. d8 b cis | a[( b)] e,4 a8[( gis)] | \break
  fis4 d b' b8[( gis)] e4 \fermata e8 a | a4 e8 e cis8. b16 | \break
  a8.[( cis16)] e4 e8 e | fis4 d' b | cis8[( b)] a4 r \bar "|."
\addlyrics { \override LyricText.font-size = #-1 Oh it's of a young sea cap -- tain \markup{Lived_} by the sea side -- o, And he court -- ed a far -- mer's daugh -- ter, And he made her his bride -- o. } }
{ \new Voice \relative c' {
  \clef treble \key a \major \time 3/4
  \autoBeamOff \stemDown s1 | s1 | s1 | e8 fis |
} } 
\layout { \context {\Score \omit BarNumber} line-width = #110 }
The tune as noted by Butterworth from the singing of Mr & Mrs Cranstone of Billingshurst, Sussex, in June 1907. It varies in several respects from that used in the orchestral work of 1913.

The Banks of Green Willow is a piece of orchestral music by British composer George Butterworth. It was composed in 1913, is written in the key of A major, and is around six minutes long.