The Bronx is Next

The Bronx is Next is a play by Sonia Sanchez, written and published in 1968.[1] Set in an immediate future where the Revolution has broken out[2] in the slums of New York and residents set their own tenements on fire,[3] the play presents a "portrait of Black people who must face certain truths about themselves in terms of their relationships to each other, to the revolution, and to ‘the others’."[2]

  1. ^ "Black Revolutionary Theatre", TDR: The Drama Review, 12 no. 4:29-124 (1968), The School of the Arts, New York University, New York, NY, 1968.
  2. ^ a b "Black Playwrights Present New Plays." New York Amsterdam News (1962–1993): 20. October 17, 1970. ProQuest. Web. May 28, 2014.
  3. ^ Melhem, D. H. Heroism in the New Black Poetry: Introductions & Interviews. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, 1990. Print. p. 161.