The Building of Skadar

Life sized sculpture of half-immured women, the Rozafa Castle museum

The Building of Skadar or The Walling of the Skadar[1] or The Founding of Skadar (Serbian: Зидање Скадра) is a poem of the pre-Kosovo cycle of Serbian epic poetry. It is based on the motif of human sacrifice.[2][3]

  1. ^ H. Munro Chadwick; Nora K. Chadwick (31 October 2010). The Growth of Literature. Cambridge University Press. p. 310. ISBN 978-1-108-01615-5. Retrieved 5 March 2013. In the 'Walling of Skadar' Vukasin contrives to get his brother's wife immured as a foundation sacrifice to the Vila.
  2. ^ Felix J. Oinas (1978). Heroic Epic and Saga: An Introduction to the World's Great Folk Epics. Indiana University Press. p. 262. ISBN 978-0-253-32738-3. Retrieved 1 March 2013. For example, "The Building of Skadar" (Vuk II, 25) is based on the motif of a blood sacrifice being required to make a building stand.
  3. ^ Tade Božinović; Renko Fulgosi; Ante Bakotin (1957). Pregled književnosti naših naroda. Slobodna Dalmacija. p. 17. Retrieved 4 March 2013. Pretkosovski ciklus pjeva najviše o Neman jićima i Mrnjavče. vićima. Najviše pjesama ima o Nemanji, sv. Savi, Milutinu i Dušanu Silnom. Najljepše pjesme ovoga ciklusa su: »ženidba Dušanova«, »Zidanje Skadra« i »Uroš i Mrnjavčevići«.