The Colony Room Club

The Colony Room Club was located at 41 Dean Street, on the far right of this picture

The Colony Room Club was a private members' drinking club at 41 Dean Street, Soho, London. It was founded and presided over by Muriel Belcher from its inception in 1948 until her death in 1979.

The artist Francis Bacon was a founder and lifelong member, and the club attracted a mixture of Soho's low-lifes and its alcoholic, artistic elite, including George Melly, Jeffrey Bernard and Lucian Freud. Visiting non-members included many names from aristocratic, political and artistic circles, including Princess Margaret, William Burroughs, David Bowie and Henri Cartier-Bresson. The club attracted the Young British Artists in the 1990s.[1]

  1. ^ Coffield, Darren; Koons, Emin. "Drink-Up Pay-Up F-Off: Tales from the Colony – London’s Lost Bohemia". Artlyst, 9 May 2018. Retrieved 30 January 2022