The Decalogue of a Ukrainian Nationalist

The Decalogue of a Ukrainian Nationalist, also known as The Ten Commandments of the Ukrainian Nationalists, was a brochure put together by Stepan Lenkavskyi in 1929, the creation of which was largely influenced by the contemporary doctrines of Ukrainian nationalism.[1] The motto of the Decalogue was authored by Dmytro Dontsov.[2]

  1. ^ Rossoliński-Leibe, Grzegorz. "The Fascist Kernel of Ukrainian Genocidal Nationalism"
  2. ^ Lucyna Kulińska, Działalność terrorystyczna i sabotażowa nacjonalistycznych organizacji ukraińskich w Polsce w latach 1922-1939, Kraków 2009, ISBN 978-83-7188-147-3, p.56