The Four Great Errors

The Four Great Errors are four mistakes of human reason regarding causal relationships that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche argues are the basis of all moral and religious propositions. Set forth in his book Twilight of the Idols, first published in 1889, these errors form the contrastive backdrop to his "revaluation of all values." Nietzsche wanted to liberate people from traditional moral and religious systems by denying the concept of "human accountability," which, he argues, is nothing more than an invention of theologians who wanted to exert power over other people. Unlike most religions and moral systems which hold that virtuous behavior results in happiness, Nietzsche argued the opposite. For Nietzsche, Internal psychological states that we cannot consciously control such as "happiness" are actually the true causes of virtuous behavior, not the human will.

The Four Great Errors are as follows:

  1. The error of confusing cause and consequence
  2. The error of a false causality
  3. The error of imaginary causes
  4. The error of free will