The Grocer's Encyclopedia

The Grocer's Encyclopedia - front cover

The Grocer's Encyclopedia (1911) is a book about the growing, preparation, and marketing of foods that was written and published in New York City by Artemas Ward, an author and an advertising and marketing innovator.[1] Ward released a specialized edition of The Grocer's Encyclopedia entitled The Encyclopedia of Food and Beverages.[2]

He later retitled the books for future editions of both The Grocer's Encyclopedia and The Encyclopedia of Food and Beverages to Encyclopedia of Foods.[1]

  1. ^ a b Ward, Gilbert Oakley (1926). The Practical Use of Books and Libraries: An Elementary Manual. F. W. Faxon Company. p. 57. Archived from the original on 2023-03-08. Retrieved 2023-05-19.
  2. ^ "Encyclopedia of Foods and Beverages (review)". Buffalo Medical Journal. 1916. p. 343.