The Holocaust and the Nakba

The Holocaust and the Nakba have been regarded as interrelated events in discussions of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, both historically and in the way these two tragedies have influenced perceptions of the conflict by both parties.[1] In Israel, all Israeli Jews are considered survivors of the Holocaust who must implement the imperative of never again in regards to being a Jewish victim.[2] The uniqueness of the Holocaust is emphasized and linkage between it and the Nakba is often rejected.[3][4] The 2018 book The Holocaust and the Nakba argues that "unless we can hold these two moments in our hearts and minds as part of the same story, there can be no moving forward in the seemingly unmovable conflict that is Israel-Palestine".[4]

  1. ^ Bashir & Goldberg 2014, p. 78.
  2. ^ Wermenbol 2021, pp. 306–307.
  3. ^ Wermenbol 2021, p. 307.
  4. ^ a b Rose 2018, p. 353.