The King's Quest Companion

The King's Quest Companion is a book by Peter Spear that serves as both hint book/walkthrough and contained complete novelization of each of the games in the King's Quest series by the original Sierra On-Line company.[1] The first three editions were published by Silicon Valley Books, and fourth edition by Osborne/McGraw-Hill. The novelization for KQ6 was written by a guest writer, Eluki Bes Shahar.

Roberta Williams had some influence (though how much is unknown) and praised the books, as well as supplied to the author about the games stories.[2]

"The King's Quest Companion is an interesting blend of fiction and helpful information for playing my games. Anyone interested in reading the story behind King's Quest or who just needs to be "unstuck" while playing the game will find this book invaluable."[3]
  1. ^ The King's Quest Companion, back cover
  2. ^ Acknowledgements page
  3. ^ King's Quest Companion, 1st Edition, back cover.