The Musical World (formerly The Musical World; a Weekly Record of Musical Science, Literature, and Intelligence) was an English music journal founded and published weekly by Alfred Novello during the Victorian era.[1][2] The journal was predominantly music related but also included general interest items.[3] It was Novello's first published journal and the first weekly music journal in England.[4] It ran from 18 March 1836 to 24 January 1891, with a total of 71 volumes published over its lifetime.[5] The journal was available for 4d (20s for annual subscription) and usually had 16 pages.[6] It predates comparable publications like Novello's later published The Musical Times. James William Davison became owner and editor of the journal in 1844 until his death the year after.[7] In 1888, the journal was purchased by Edgar Frederick Jacques, who became editor.[3]