The Return of the Sorcerer

"The Return of the Sorcerer" is a horror short story by American writer Clark Ashton Smith, first published in Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror in September 1931.[1] The story ties into H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos due to its references to Lovecraft's invented book of occult lore the Necronomicon. It tells of one Mr. Ogden being hired by scholarly recluse John Carnby to translate passages from the Necronomicon.[2]

  1. ^ Smith, Don G. (2006). H.P. Lovecraft in Popular Culture. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. p. 32. ISBN 978-0-7864-2091-9.
  2. ^ Steve Behrends. Clark Ashton Smith (Starmont Reader's Guide 49). Mercer Is, WA: Starmont House, 1990, pp 67-68.