The Way of a Pilgrim

The Way of a Pilgrim
Cover and title page of an 1884 edition
AuthorMichael Kozlov
Arsenius Troyepolsky
Original titleОткровенные рассказы странника духовному своему отцу
TranslatorR. M. French
GenreChristian devotional
Publication date
Publication placeRussian Empire
Published in English
LC ClassBX382 .O8513

The Way of a Pilgrim, or The Pilgrim's Tale, is the English title of a 19th-century Russian work, recounting the narrator's journey as a mendicant pilgrim while practicing the Jesus Prayer. The pilgrim's travels take him through southern and central Ukraine, Russia, and Siberia. It is unknown if the book is literally an account of a single pilgrim, or if it uses a fictional pilgrim's journey as a vehicle to teach the practice of ceaseless inner prayer and communion with God.[1] The Russian original, or a copy of it, was present at a Mount Athos monastery in Greece in the 19th century, and was first published in Kazan in 1884, under the Russian title that translates as Candid Narratives of a Pilgrim to His Spiritual Father (Russian: Откровенные рассказы странника духовному своему отцу, romanizedOtkrovenniye rasskazy strannika dukhovnomu svoyemu ottsu).[2]

  1. ^ Olga Savin; Hopko, Thomas (2001). The Way of a Pilgrim and A Pilgrim Continues on His Way (Shambhala Classics). Boulder: Shambhala. p. vii. ISBN 1-57062-807-6.
  2. ^ The Russian title of the book is "Откровенные рассказы странника духовному своему отцу" – literally, "Candid narratives of a pilgrim to his spiritual father." French, R. M. (1991). The way of a pilgrim; and, The pilgrim continues his way. [San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco. pp. xi–xiii. ISBN 0-06-063017-5.