Theodore Angelos

Theodore Angelos
Co-ruler of Thessaly
Reignc. 1289c. 1299
PredecessorJohn I Doukas
SuccessorConstantine Doukas
Diedc. 1299
FatherJohn I Doukas

Theodore Angelos (Greek: Θεόδωρος Ἄγγελος, romanizedTheodōros Angelos) was co-ruler of Thessaly from c. 1289 to his death in c. 1299.

Theodore was the third son of John I Doukas, ruler of Thessaly by his wife, who is only known by her monastic name Hypomone ("Patience").[1][2] When John died in or shortly before 1289, he was succeeded by Theodore's older brother Constantine, but Theodore served as his co-ruler. Initially, the two brothers were under the tutelage of Anna Palaiologina Kantakouzene as they were underage.[3] Awarded the title of sebastokrator from the Byzantine emperor in 1295, he was scheduled to marry the Armenian princess Theophano, daughter of King Leo II, but this project fell through.[2] He was defeated in battle by the Byzantine general Michael Doukas Glabas Tarchaneiotes, and died in c. 1299.[2]

  1. ^ Polemis 1968, p. 97.
  2. ^ a b c PLP, 195. ῎Αγγελος Θεόδωρος.
  3. ^ PLP, 195. ῎Αγγελος Θεόδωρος; 212. <῎Αγγελος>, Κωνσταντῖνος Δούκας.