Theology of Pope Benedict XVI

The theology of Pope Benedict XVI, as promulgated during his pontificate, consists mainly of three encyclical letters on love (2005), hope (2007), and "charity in truth" (2009), as well as apostolic documents and various speeches and interviews. Pope Benedict XVI's theology underwent developments over the years, many of which were characterized by his leadership position in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is entrusted with preserving the Catholic faith in its entirety.

His theology originated in the view that God speaks to us through the Church today and not just through the Bible. The Bible does not teach natural science but rather it is a testimonial to God's revelation.[1]

  1. ^ Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, "In the Beginning...": A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall (Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. 1995), P. 5.