Theosophy in Scandinavia

Theosophy in Scandinavia is represented by many independent lodges.

About 1890 the first theosophical lodges were founded in Scandinavia. When in 1895 the seventh lodge was founded, a "Scandinavian Section" of the TS Adyar with headquarters in Stockholm was established. It was a practice that after seven lodges were founded in one country, a "Section" in that country could be founded. In 1907 the Finnish Section was founded, and in 1921 the Icelandic Section.[1]

In the 1970s the members of the lodges of the Danish Section began to study the works of Alice Bailey. The TS Adyar was opposed to the teachings of Bailey, and this situation led to a crisis, so that the Danish Section left the TS Adyar in 1989 and became independent.[1][2]