Thomas Natural Shorthand

Thomas Natural Shorthand
Script type
light-line semi-script alphabetic Stenography
- positional
CreatorCharles A. Thomas
Time period

Thomas Natural Shorthand is an English shorthand system created by Charles A. Thomas which was first published in 1935.[1] Thomas described his system as "designed to meet the existing need for a simple, legible shorthand that is based on already familiar writing lines, and that is written with a minimum number of rules." The system has fallen into disuse with the decline of pen shorthand in the later 20th century, but the spirit of the system lives on in Teeline shorthand, with which it shares a number of characteristics (although the symbols used in each system are quite different).

  1. ^ Thomas, Charles A (1937), Thomas natural shorthand; a modern, progressive system of shorthand based on natural, already familiar writing lines, New York, Prentice-Hall, inc, OCLC 18220117