Three Great Gardens of Japan

The oldest water fountain in Japan continues functioning at Kenroku-en in Kanazawa.

The Three Great Gardens of Japan (日本三名園, Nihon Sanmeien), also known as "the three most famous gardens in Japan" are considered to include Kenroku-en in Kanazawa, Kōraku-en in Okayama and Kairaku-en in Mito.[1]

The conception of gardens in a group of three is found elsewhere, for example, in the three gardens of Emperor Go-Mizunoo, who abdicated in 1629. At Shugakuin Imperial Villa, Go-Mizunoo maintained landscaped areas at separate elevations on the northeastern outskirts of Kyoto.[2]

  1. ^ Lewis, Caroline. "Kenrokuen Garden Kanazawa,"; Koraku-en,; and
  2. ^ Japan Society of London. (1989). Proceedings, Issues 112-120, p. 54.