Tickle torture

Tickle torture is the prolonged use of tickling to abuse, dominate, harass, humiliate, or interrogate an individual.[1] While laughter is popularly thought of as a pleasure response, in tickle torture, the one being tickled may laugh whether or not they find the experience pleasant.[1] In a tickling situation, laughter can indicate a panic reflex rather than a pleasure response, and the tickling may be a consensual activity or one that is forced, depending on the circumstances.[2] In a consensual form, tickling may be part of a mutually fulfilling, physically intimate act between partners. However, tickle torture can cause real physical and mental distress in a victim, which is why it has been used as an interrogation method or to simply show dominance over another person.

  1. ^ a b "Death By Tickling: The Horrible Torture Method That Can Cause An Aneurysm". culturacolectiva.com. 2019-03-28. Archived from the original on 2020-06-30. Retrieved 2020-05-25.
  2. ^ Carol Yoon (June 3, 1997). "Anatomy of a Tickle Is Serious Business at the Research Lab". New York Times. Archived from the original on February 21, 2017. Retrieved February 20, 2017.