Tied house

The White Horse Inn, Beverley is a Samuel Smith Old Brewery tied house. Is it, or is it managed?[citation needed]

In the United Kingdom, a tied house is a public house required to buy at least some of its beer from a particular brewery or pub company. That is in contrast to a free house, which is able to choose the beers it stocks freely.[1]

A report for the UK government described the tied pub system as "one of the most inter‐woven industrial relationships you can identify in the UK, with multiple streams of payments running in both directions, from the pub tenant to the pubco and vice versa, generally negotiated on a pub‐by‐pub basis."[2]

  1. ^ Brandwood, Geoffrey K.; Davison, Andrew; Slaughter, Michael (2004). Licensed to Sell: The History and Heritage of the Public House. English Heritage. ISBN 978-1-85074-906-6.
  2. ^ "Modelling the impact of proposed policies on pubs and the pub sector" (PDF). www.gov.uk. London Economics. December 2013.