
Tikunani (or Tigunānum) was a small Hurrian city-state in Mesopotamia around the middle of the second millennium BC. The name refers to both the kingdom and its capital city. Assuming it does refer to the same city, Tigunānum is the older form of the name, appearing in texts excavated from Mari and Shemshara around the 18th century BC.[1][2][3]

  1. ^ Nicla De Zorzi, "Teratomancy at Tigunānum: Structure, Hermeneutics, and Weltanschauung of a Northern Mesopotamian Omen Corpus", Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 69, pp. 125–50, 2017
  2. ^ [1]Justel, Josué J., "Remarkable Women from Tikunani. The Role of Women in Palatial Administration", Gender and Methodology in the Ancient Near East, Approaches from Assyriology and Beyond, pp. 117-128, 2018
  3. ^ Eidem, J., "The Shemshāra Archives 2: The Administrative Texts", Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter 15, 1992 Copenhagen