Time in New Zealand

Time zone Standard time Daylight time
New Zealand UTC+12:00 UTC+13:00
Chatham Islands UTC+12:45 UTC+13:45

Time in New Zealand is divided by law into two standard time zones. The main islands use New Zealand Standard Time (NZST), 12 hours in advance of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) / military M (Mike),[1] while the outlying Chatham Islands use Chatham Standard Time (CHAST), 12 hours 45 minutes in advance of UTC / military M^ (Mike-Three).[1][2]

During summer months – from the last Sunday in September until the first Sunday in April – daylight saving time is observed and clocks are advanced one hour. New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT) is 13 hours ahead of UTC, and Chatham Daylight Time (CHADT) 13 hours 45 minutes ahead.[3]

New Zealand's associated states – the Cook Islands and Niue – and the dependent territory of Tokelau use several different time zones at their own discretion.

  1. ^ a b "Military time zone chart of the World". worldtimezone.com. Retrieved 22 June 2018.
  2. ^ "Time Act 1974". New Zealand Legislation. 30 March 1987. Retrieved 29 July 2017.
  3. ^ "New Zealand Daylight Time Order 2007 (SR 2007/185) (as at 06 July 2007) – New Zealand Legislation". legislation.govt.nz. Retrieved 4 May 2017.