Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance Regarding the Healthy Development of Youths

Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance Regarding the Healthy Development of Youths
Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly
Territorial extentTokyo, Japan
EnactedAugust 1, 1964

The Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance Regarding the Healthy Development of Youths (東京都青少年の健全な育成に関する条例, Tōkyō-to Seishōnen no Kenzen na Ikusei ni Kansuru Jōrei) is a prefectural law passed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly on August 1, 1964. Its purpose is to promote the healthy development of people under the age of 18 by restricting their access to published material that is considered inappropriate. The restrictions are primarily carried out through self-regulation by the publishing industry.

The Ordinance was controversially revised in December 2010 to expand the definition of "harmful publications" and to give the Metropolitan government greater powers to enforce the law's provisions.