Topical humor

The topical humor and topical jokes is humor framed around a specific topic related to current events or dealing with issues that are important or popular at the current time.[1] The value of this kind of humor often diminishes when the topic is no longer widely discussed in public.[2][3]

Besides jokes, topical humor may be in forms of news parody, "Top 10" lists, demotivators, cartoons, etc. Sometimes old jokes may be turned into topical ones due to the newly acquired salience.[3]

Liisi Laineste of Estonian Literary Museum writes that topical jokes and news parodies emphasize the need to look critically at the flow of the news.[3]

  1. ^ "topical, The Britannica Dictionary
  2. ^ Folklore, Electronic Journal of Folklore, vols. 20-22, 2002, p.8
  3. ^ a b c Liisi Laineste, "Teke it with a Grain of Salt: The Kernel of Truth in Topical Jokes", doi:10.7592/FEJF2002.21.jokes