Toposa people

A young Toposa man
Regions with significant populations
 South Sudan
Related ethnic groups
Karamojong people, Turkana people, Dongiro people, Jiye people

The Toposa are known for their pastoral lifestyle and their involvement in the ivory trade in the past.

The Toposa are a Nilotic ethnic group in South Sudan, living in the Greater Kapoeta region of Eastern Equatoria state. They have traditionally lived by herding cattle, sheep and goats, and in the past were involved in the ivory trade. They have a tradition of constant low-level warfare, usually cattle raids, against their neighbors.

During the Second Sudanese Civil War (1983–2000) 21-69 the Toposa helped the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) at times, and at other times helped the Government of Sudan. After the war, sporadic clashes with neighboring tribes continued. The Toposa way of life is slowly being modernized and traditional social organization is eroding.