Train to Gain

Train to Gain logo
Train to Gain logo

Train to Gain (T2G) was a UK government-funded initiative to deliver vocational training to employed adults. It was discontinued in 2010.

Train to Gain was designed to deliver vocational training to employed individuals in the UK, primarily those in the 25+ age band who did not already have a Full Level 2 Qualification, via the Skills Funding Agency, formerly the Learning and Skills Council (LSC). The initiative was rolled out nationally in September 2006.[1] Train to Gain formed a part of the Employer Responsive training model. On 24 May 2010, the UK government announced a £200 million reduction in this programme as part of its planned £6.2 billion reduction in expenditure in the 2010–11 government financial year. The Train to Gain brand was discontinued in July 2010.[2]

  1. ^ 'Train to Gain' roll-out to boost UK business skills, Bytestart Limited, 2006-09-20
  2. ^ FEWeek: Adult apprenticeships benefit from Train to Gain funding