Transfiguration Cathedral (Saint Petersburg)

Transfiguration Cathedral in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Transfiguration Cathedral (official name: Russian: собор Преображения Господня всей гвардии, The Cathedral of the Lord's Transfiguration of all the Guards) is an Eastern Orthodox cathedral. It is located on Transfiguration Square (Russian: Преображенская площадь), just off Liteyny Prospekt near the Chernyshevskaya metro station. Unlike most Russian churches, it has never ceased operating as a place of worship.[1]

The church has given names to both Transfiguration Square and a nearby lane, which was formerly known as Church Lane (Russian: Церковный переулок) and is now known as Radishchev Lane (Russian: переулок Радищева).

  1. ^ "Спасо-Преображенский собор (Transfiguration Cathedral)". Saint Petersburg Encyclopedia (in Russian). Retrieved 2008-03-04.