Transgender literature

Isis changing the sex of Iphis. Engraving by Bauer for a 1703 edition of Metamorphoses.

Transgender literature is a collective term used to designate the literary production that addresses, has been written by or portrays people of diverse gender identity.[1] Transgender literature has grown so rapidly in recent years that it is now the subject of a scholarly work published by a major academic press: The Routledge Handbook of Trans Literature. [2]

  1. ^ Karlsberg, Michele (2018-06-21). "The Importance of Transgender Literature". San Francisco Bay Times. Archived from the original on 2018-06-21. Retrieved 2020-09-22.
  2. ^ Vakoch, Douglas A.; Sharp, Sabine, eds. (2024). The Routledge Handbook of Trans Literature. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-032-43155-0.