Translations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll's 1865 novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has been translated into 175 languages.[1][2] The language with the most editions of the Alice in Wonderland novels in translation is Japanese, with 1,271 editions.[3] Some translations, with the first date of publishing and of reprints or re-editions by other publishers, are:

script etc.
Year Title Translator Notes
Afrikaans 1934 Avonture van Alida in Towerland Tannie (pseud.) Londen: Macmillan & Kie. Bpk.
Afrikaans 1965 Alice se Avonture in Wonderland André Brink
Altai 2016 Кайкалдыҥ Јеринде Алисала болгон учуралдар
Kaykaldıñ Cerinde Alisala bolgon uçuraldar
Кӱлер Тепуков (Küler Tepukov) Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-177-4
Appalachian English 2012 Alice's Adventures in an Appalachian Wonderland Byron W. Sewell and Victoria J. Sewell Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-010-4.
Arabic 2012 أليس في بلاد العجائب شكير نصر الدين المركز الثقافي العربي
Arabic 2013 أليس في بلاد العجائب سهام عبد السلام (Seham Saniya Abdel Salam) دار التنوير - القاهرة
Arabic 2013 مغامرات أليس في بلاد العجائب نادية الخولي (Nadia El Kholy) المركز القومي للترجمة - القاهرة
Aragonese 1995 Alizia en o país de as marabiellas Antonio Gil Zaragoza: Gara d'Edizions, ISBN 978-84-8094-004-7
Basque 1992 Aliceren abenturak lurralde miresgarrian Manu López Gaseni Pamplona: Pamiela, ISBN 978-84-7681-092-7
Belarusian 2013 Алесіны прыгоды ў Цудазем’і
(Alesiny pryhody ŭ Cudazem'i)
Max Ščur (Максим Шчур) Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-044-9.
Second edition 2016, Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-151-4.
Borain Picard 2012 Lès-Aventûres d’Alice ô Pèyis dès Mèrvèy André Capron Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-87-9.
Breton 1995 Troioù-kaer Alis e Bro ar Marzhoù Herve Kerrain Kemper: An Here. ISBN 2-86843-097-X
Catalan 1930 Alícia en terra de meravelles Josep Carner Barcelona: Edicions Mentora.
Catalan 1996 Alícia al país de les meravelles Salvador Oliva Llinàs Barcelona: Edicions Empúries.
Chinese 1922 阿麗思漫遊奇境記
(Ālìsī Mànyóu Qíjìng Jì)
趙元任 (Zhào Yuánrèn) Shanghai: 商務印書館 (Shāngwù Yìnshūguǎn).
Chinese 1981 阿丽思漫游奇境记
(Ālìsī Mànyóu Qíjìng Jì)
陈复庵 (Chén Fù'ān) Beijing: 中国对外翻译出版公司 (Zhōngguó duìwài fānyì chūbǎn gōngsī).
Chinese 2013 愛麗絲夢遊仙境
(Àilì sī mèngyóu xiānjìng)
吳鈞陶 (Ng Gwan Jiu) Hong Kong: 商務印書館(香港)(The Commercial Press Hong Kong) ISBN 978-96-2070-351-5
Cockney Rhyming slang 2015 Crystal's Adventures in a Cockney Wonderland Charlie Lovett Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-115-6.
Cornish 1990 Alys y'n Vro a Varthusyon Ray Edwards Sutton Coldfield: Kerkewek dre Lyther, ISBN 0-907064-26-4.
Cornish 2009 Alys in Pow an Anethow Nicholas Williams Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-19-0
Second edition 2015, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-095-1 (under the title Aventurs Alys in Pow an Anethow).
Cornu-English 2015 Alice's Ventures in Wunderland Alan M. Kent Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-102-6.
Czech 1931 Alenčina dobrodružství v podzemní říši Jaroslav Císař Praha: B. Moser,
Danish 1875 Maries Hændelser i Vidunderlandet later "Alice i Eventyrland" D. G. (anon.) Kjøbenhavn: Fr. Wøldikes Forlag.
Dutch 1874 or 1875 Lize's Avonturen in het Wonderland Nijmegen: Blomhert & Timmerman.
Dutch 1887 Alice in het Land der Droomen Eleonora Mann Amsterdam: Jan Leendertz & Zoon.
New edition 2008, Eindhoven: Chipmunk International, ISBN 978-90-8619-009-6.
Dutch 1899 Alice's Avonturen in het Wonderland R. ten Raa Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Dutch 1907 Alice's Avonturen in Wonderland Amsterdam: Van Holkema & Warendorf.
English (Deseret alphabet) 2014 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (𐐈𐑊𐐮𐑅’𐑆 𐐈𐐼𐑂𐐯𐑌𐐽𐐲𐑉𐑆 𐐮𐑌 𐐎𐐲𐑌𐐼𐐲𐑉𐑊𐐰𐑌𐐼): An edition printed in the Deseret Alphabet Lewis Carroll Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-064-7.
English (Ewellic alphabet) 2013 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: An edition printed in the Ewellic Alphabet Lewis Carroll; transcribed by Doug Ewell Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-035-7.
English (International Phonetic Alphabet) 2014 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (ˈÆlɪsɪz Ədˈventʃəz ɪn ˈWʌndəˌlænd): An edition printed in the International Phonetic Alphabet Lewis Carroll Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-083-8.
English (Ñspel orthography) 2014 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Alis'z Advnčrz in Wunḍland): An edition printed in the Ñspel orthography Lewis Carroll; transcribed by Francis K. Johnson Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-051-7
English (Nyctographic alphabet) 2011 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: An edition printed in the Nyctographic Square Alphabet Lewis Carroll Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-78-7.
English (Pitman shorthand) n.d. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Pitman's Shorthand New Era Edition Lewis Carroll London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
English (Shaw alphabet) 2013 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (·𐑨𐑤𐑦𐑕’𐑩𐑟 𐑩𐑛𐑝𐑧𐑯𐑑𐑿𐑮𐑟 𐑦𐑯 ·𐑢𐑳𐑯𐑛𐑼𐑤𐑨𐑯𐑛): An edition printed in the Shaw Alphabet Lewis Carroll; transcribed by Thomas Thurman Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-036-4.
English (Unifon alphabet) 2014 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: An edition printed in the Unifon Alphabet Lewis Carroll Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-067-8.
Esperanto 1910 La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando Elfric Leofwin Kearney Londono: British Esperanto Association.
New edition 2009, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-20-6.
Esperanto 1996 Alico en Mirlando Donald Broadribb Bakers Hill: Bookleaf.
Second edition 1999, Jekaterinburg, Sezonoj
Third edition [so stated] 2004, Kaliningrado, Sezonoj
Fourth edition [PDF] 2000, Donald Broadribb (under the title La Aventuroj de Alico en Mirlando)
Fifth edition 2012, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-86-2 (under the title La Aventuroj de Alico en Mirlando).
Estonian 1940 Alice Imedemaal Linda Bakis, poems by Ants Oras Tartu: Eesti Kirjastuse Kooperatiiv[4]
Estonian 1971 Alice Imedemaal Jaan Kross Tallinn: Eesti Raamat.
Illustrated by Vive Tolli.[5]
There have been reprints with illustrations by Navitrolla (2004, 2006) and John Tenniel (2008).
Faroese 1988 Lisa í Leikalandi Axel Tórgarð Gøtu: Aldan.
First edition illustrated by John Tenniel, second (2010) by Dušan Kállay.
Finnish 1906 Liisan seikkailut ihmemaailmassa Anni Swan Porvoo: Werner Söderström OY
Several modified reprints. First editions illustrated by John Tenniel, later by Tove Jansson.
Finnish 1972 Liisan seikkailut ihmemaassa Kirsi Kunnas & Eeva-Liisa Manner Jyväskylä: Gummerus
Several reprints. Most editions illustrated by John Tenniel, one by Anthony Browne.
Finnish 1995 Alicen seikkailut ihmemaassa Alice Martin Helsinki: Werner Söderström OY
Several reprints. All editions illustrated by John Tenniel.
Finnish 2000 Liisa Ihmemaassa Tuomas Nevanlinna Helsinki: Otava
Several reprints. Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury.
French 1869 Aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles Henri Bué Londres: Macmillan and Co.
New edition 2010, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-52-7.
Galician 1984 Alicia no país das marabillas Teresa Barro & Fernando Pérez-Barreiro Nolla Vigo: Edicións Xerais, ISBN 978-84-8289-224-5
Georgian 1969 ალისა საოცარ ქვეყანაში
(Alisa saoc'ar k'veqanaši)
Alexandre Gamkrelidze Tbilisi: Nakaduli.
Georgian 1997 ელისის თავგადასავალი საოცრებათა ქვეყანაში
(Elisis t'avgadasavali saoc'revat'a k'veqanaši)
გიორგი გოკიელი (Giorgi Gokieli) Tbilisi: Kalta
New edition 2016, Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-160-6
German 1869 Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland Antonie Zimmermann Leipzig: Johann Friedrick Hartknich.
New edition 2010, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-45-9.
German 1963 Alice im Wunderland Christian Enzensberger Frankfurt am Main: Insel-Verlag.

New edition 2009, ISBN 978-3458351368.

Gothic 2015 Balþos Gadedeis Aþalhaidais in Sildaleikalanda David Alexander Carlton Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-097-5.
Hawaiian 2012 Nā Hana Kupanaha a ʻĀleka ma ka ʻĀina Kamahaʻo R. Keao NeSmith Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-97-8.
Hebrew 1924 עליסה בארץ הנפלאות
(Alisa be'eretz hanifla'ot)
L. Siman Odessa: Omanut.
Hebrew 1951 עליזה בארץ הפלאות
(Aliza be'eretz hapla'ot)
Aharon Amir Machbarot Le'Safrut
Hebrew 1989 עליסה בארץ הפלאות
(Alisa be'eretz hapla'ot)
Uriel Ofek Machbarot Le'Safrut
Hebrew 1997 הרפתקאות אליס בארץ הפלאות
(Harpatka'ot Alice be'eretz hapla'ot)
Ranah Litvin HaSifriya HaChadasha. A translation of The Annotated Alice.
Hebrew 2012 הרפתקאותיה של אליס בארץ הפלאות
(Harpatka'ote'ah shel Alice be'eretz hapla'ot)
Atarah Ofek Okianus and Modan
Hindi 1982 जादू नगरी
(Jādū nagarī)
श्रीकान्त व्यास (Śrīkānt Vyās) Delhi: Śikṣā Bhāratī.
Hungarian 1929 Alisz Kalandjai Csodaországban Juhász Andor Budapest: Béta Irodalmi Részvénytársaság Kiadása.
Hungarian 1935 Évike Tündérországban Dezső Kosztolányi Budapest: Gergely R. Kiadása.
Hungarian 2013 Aliz kalandjai Csodaországban Anikó Szilágyi Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-034-0
Hungarian 2016 Aliz kalandjai Csodaországban
(𐲀𐳖𐳐𐳯 𐳓𐳀𐳖𐳀𐳙𐳇𐳒𐳀𐳐 𐲆𐳛𐳇𐳀𐳛𐳢𐳥𐳁𐳍𐳂𐳀𐳙)
Anikó Szilágyi Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-159-0 (printed in the Old Hungarian alphabet)
Icelandic 1937 Lísa í Undralandi Bókaútgáfan Esja Reykjavík
Icelandic 2013 Ævintýri Lísu í Undralandi Þórarinn Eldjárn Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-025-8
Ido 2020 L'aventuri di Alicia en Marvelia Gonçalo Neves Dundee: Evertype, ISBN 978-1782012818
Second edition, 2021, Espinho: Editerio Sudo (e-book)
Indonesian 2010 Alice di Negeri Ajaib Agustina Reni Eta Sitepoe Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, ISBN 978-979-27-7323-1[6]
Irish 1922 Eaċtraḋ Eiḃlís i dTír na nIongantas Pádraig Ó Cadhla Dublin: Maunsel & Roberts.
Irish 2003 Eachtraí Eilíse i dTír na nIontas Nicholas Williams Dublin: Coiscéim; Cathair na Mart: Evertype.
Second edition 2007, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-13-8.
Italian 1871 Le Avventure d’Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie Teodorico Pietrocòla Rossetti Londra: Macmillan and Co.
New edition 2010, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-55-8 (under the title Le Avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie)
Jamaican Creole 2016 Alis Advencha ina Wandalan Tamirand De Lisser Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-154-5.
Japanese 1910 愛ちやんの夢物語
(Ai-chan no Yume Monogatari)
丸山英観 (Maruyama Eikan) Tokyo: 内外出版協会 (Naigai Shuppan Kyōkai)
Japanese 1911 長編お伽噺 子供の夢
(Chōhen Otogibanashi Kodomo no Yume)
丹羽五郎 (Niwa Gorō) Tokyo: 籾山書店 (Momiyama Shoten)
Japanese 1912 アリス物語
(Arisu Monogatari)
永代静雄 (Nagayo Shizuo) Tokyo: 紅葉堂書店 (Momiji-dō Shoten)
Originally published in serial form on 少女の友 (Shōjo no Tomo, lit. Girls’ Companion) magazine in 1908–1909.
Japanese 1920 不思議の國
(Fushigi no Kuni)
楠山正雄 (Kusuyama Masao) Tokyo: 家庭読物刊行会 (Katei Yomimono Kankō-kai)
Japanese 1923 アリスの不思議國めぐり
(Arisu no Fushigi-koku Meguri)
望月幸三 (Mochizuki Kōzō) Tokyo: 紅玉堂書店 (Kōgyoku-dō Shoten)
Japanese 1925 まりちやんの夢の國旅行
(Mari-chan no Yume no Kuni Ryokō)
鷲尾知治 (Washio Tomoharu) Tokyo: イデア書院 (Idea Shoin)
Japanese 1925 お轉婆アリスの夢
(Otemba Arisu no Yume)
益本青小鳥 (重雄) (Masumoto Shigeo) Tokyo: 成運堂書店 (Seiun-dō Shoten)
Japanese 1926 不思議國めぐり
(Fushigi-koku Meguri)
大戸喜一郎 (Ōto Ki’ichirō) Tokyo: 金の星社 (Kin-no-Hoshi Sha)
Japanese 1927 アリス物語
(Arisu Monogatari)
菊池寛 (Kikuchi Kan) and 芥川龍之介 (Akutagawa Ryūnosuke) Tokyo: 興文社・文藝春秋社 (Kōbun Sha, Bungei Shunjū Sha)
New edition 2014, Tokyo: 真珠書院 (Shinju Shoin), ISBN 4880096113
Japanese 1928 不思議國のアリス
(Fushigi-koku no Arisu)
長澤才助 (Nagasawa Saisuke) Tokyo: 英文学社 (Eibungaku Sha)
In 1929 or 1930, the title was renamed 不思議國のアリス(Fushigi-no-kuni no Arisu), which became the most renowned Japanese name in the present day.
Japanese 1950 ふしぎな国のアリス
(Fushigi na Kuni no Arisu)
吉田健一 (Yoshida Ken’ichi) Tokyo: 小山書店 (Oyama Shoten)
New edition 1993, Tokyo: 河出書房新社 (Kawade Shobō Shinsha), ISBN 978-4309465562.
Japanese 1955 ふしぎの国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
田中俊夫 (Tanaka Toshio) Tokyo: 岩波書店 (Iwanami Shoten)
Japanese 1970 ふしぎの国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
中山知子 (Nakayama Tomoko) Tokyo: 文研出版 (Bunken Shuppan)
New edition 1986, Tokyo: 岩崎書店 (Iwasaki Shoten), ISBN 978-4265010523.
Japanese 1971 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
生野幸吉 (Shōno Kōkichi) Tokyo: 福音館書店 (Fukuin-kan Shoten), ISBN 978-4834002683; Pocket edition 2004, ISBN 978-4834019841.
Japanese 1975 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
福島正実 (Fukushima Masami) Tokyo: 角川書店 (Kadokawa Shoten), ISBN 978-4042118015.
Tokyo: 立風書房 (Rippū Shobō), 1982, ISBN 978-4651120034.
Japanese 1979 ふしぎの国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
芹生一 (Seriu Hajime) Tokyo: 偕成社 (Kaisei-sha), ISBN 978-4035506300.
Japanese 1980 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
石川澄子 (Ishikawa Sumiko) Tokyo: 東京図書 (Tōkyo Tosho), ISBN 978-4489012198. With annotation by Martin Gardner.
Japanese 1982 ふしぎの国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
柳瀬尚紀 (Yanase Naoki) Tokyo: 集英社 (Shūei-sha); New edition 1990, ISBN 978-4082850180;
Pocket edition 1987, Tokyo: 筑摩書房 (Chikuma Shobō), ISBN 978-4480021861.
Japanese 1983 ふしぎの国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
高杉一郎 (Takasugi Ichirō) Tokyo: 講談社 (Kōdansha), ISBN 978-4061831162 (Pocket edition); ISBN 978-4061472068 (1986, 新書 (Shinsho)-size edition); ISBN 978-4062850285 (2008, new edition with illustration by 山本容子 [Yamamoto Yōko]).
Japanese 1985 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
高橋康也 (Takahashi Yasunari) and 高橋迪 (Takahashi Michi) Tokyo: 新書館 (Shinsho-kan), ISBN 978-4403030185; New edition 2005, ISBN 978-4403030345;
Pocket edition 1988, Tokyo: 河出書房新社 (Kawade Shobō Shinsha), ISBN 978-4309460550.
Japanese 1987 ふしぎの国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
北村太郎 (Kitamura Tarō) Chiba: 王国社 (Ōkoku-sha), ISBN 978-4900456075.
Pocket edition 1992, Tokyo: 集英社 (Shūei-sha), ISBN 978-4087520231.
Japanese 1990 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
矢川澄子 (Yagawa Sumiko) Tokyo: 新潮社 (Shinchō-sha), ISBN 978-4105223014.
Pocket edition 1994, ISBN 978-4102401019.
Japanese 1992 ふしぎの国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
宗方あゆむ (Munakata Ayumu) Tokyo: 金の星社 (Kin-no-Hoshi Sha), ISBN 978-4323018478.
Japanese 1994 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
高山宏 (Takayama Hiroshi) 新注 不思議の国のアリス(Newly annotated Alice in Wonderland), Tokyo: 東京図書 (Tōkyo Tosho), ISBN 978-4489004469. With annotation by Martin Gardner.
Japanese 1995 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
酒寄進一 (Sakayori Shin’ichi) Niigata: 西村書店 (Nishimura Shoten), ISBN 978-4890138593. An indirect translation via German version. Illustration by Julia Gukova.
Japanese 1998 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
脇明子 (Waki Akiko) Tokyo: 岩波書店 (Iwanami Shoten), ISBN 978-4-00-114047-7.
Japanese 2003 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
山形浩生 (Yamagata Hiro’o) Tokyo: 朝日出版社 (Asahi Shuppan-sha), ISBN 978-4255002170.
Pocket edition 2012, Tokyo: 文藝春秋 (Bungei Shunjū), ISBN 978-4167812034.
Japanese 2006 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
村山由佳 (Murayama Yuka) Tokyo: メディアファクトリー (Media Factory), ISBN 978-4840115100.
Japanese 2010 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
河合祥一郎 (Kawai Shōichirō) Tokyo: 角川書店 (Kadokawa Shoten), ISBN 978-4042118039.
Japanese 2015 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
高山宏 (Takayama Hiroshi) Tokyo: 亜紀書房 (Aki Shobō), ISBN 978-4-7505-1428-4. Newly translated by Hiroshi Takayama, who once translated in 1994.
Japanese 2015 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
杉田七重 (Sugita Nanae) Niigata: 西村書店 (Nishimura Shoten), ISBN 978-4890139644. Illustration by Robert Ingpen.
Japanese 2017 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
安井泉 (Yasui Izumi) 対訳・注解 不思議の国のアリス, Tokyo: 研究社 (Kenkyū-sha), ISBN 978-4327452797. With English parallel text and annotation by the translator.
Japanese 2019 不思議の国のアリス
(Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu)
高山宏 (Takayama Hiroshi) In 新訳 不思議の国のアリス 鏡の国のアリス, Tokyo: 青土社 (Seido-sha), ISBN 978-4-7917-7150-9. The third newly translated Alice by Hiroshi Takayama.
Jèrriais 2012 L’s Aventuthes d’Alice en Êmèrvil’lie Geraint Jennings Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-82-4
Karelian 2018 Alisan šeikkailut kummanmuas Aleksi Ruuskanen Helsinki: Karjalan Kielen Seura. ISBN 978-952-5790-81-8
Kazakh 2016 Әлисәнің ғажайып елдегі басынан кешкендері
(Älïsäniñ ğajayıp eldegi basınan keşkenderi)
Фатима Молдашова (Fatima Moldashova) Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-175-0
Khakas 2017 Алисаның Хайхастар Чирінзер чорығы
(Alïsanıñ Hayhastar Çïrinzer çorığı)
Мария Чертыкова (Maria Çertykova) Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-171-2
Klingon 2021 QelIS boqHarmey Lieven L. Litaer Bilingual edition with literal back-translation
in English: Egpyt Verlag, ISBN 978-3982396835
in German: Verlag in Farbe und Bunt, ISBN 978-3959362993
Kurdish (Sorani) 2012 Beserhatekanî Alîs Le Wiłatî Seyrusemerekanda Muhammad-Amin Shasanam Tehran: Kooleh-Poshti publication.
Kurdish (Sorani) 2021 Serkêşîyekanî Alîs Le Cîhanî Seyrusemere Heło Ferîq Sulaymaniyah: Řehend Cultural Center.
Kurdish (Kurmanji) 2019 Serpêhatiyên Aliceyê Li Welatekî Ecêb Ciwanmerd Kulek Istanbul: Avesta publication.
Kyrgyz 2016 Алисанын Кызыктар Өлкөсүндөгү укмуштуу oкуялары
(Alisanın Kızıktar Ölkösündögü ukmuştuu okuyaları)
Аида Эгембердиева (Aida Egemberdieva) Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-176-7
Ladino 2014 Las Aventura de Alisia en el Paiz de las Maraviyas Avner Perez Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-061-6
Second edition 2016, Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-179-8
Ladino 2016 לאס אב׳ינטוראס די אליסייה אין איל פאיז די לאס מאראב׳ילייאס
Las Aventura de Alisia en el Paiz de las Maraviyas
Avner Perez Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-178-1
Latin 1964 Alicia in Terra Mirabili Clive Harcourt Carruthers New York: St Martin's Press; London: Macmillan.
New edition 2011, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-69-5 (under the title Alicia in Terrā Mīrābilī)
Limburgish 2012 De Avventure vaan Alice in Woonderland Yuri Michielsen Maastricht: Oetgeverij TIC Maastricht, ISBN 978-94-91561-04-7
Lingua Franca Nova 2012 La aventuras de Alisia en la pais de mervelias Simon Davies Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-88-6
Lingwa de planeta 2014 Alisa-ney Aventura in Divalanda Anastasia Lysenko, Dmitri Ivanov Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-071-5
Lojban 2005 - lo selfri be la .alis. bei bu'u la selmacygu'e Jorge Llambías et al.
Low German 2010 Alice ẹhr Ẹventüürn in’t Wunnerland Reinhard F. Hahn Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-62-6
Lule Saami 2021 Lisá Imájájmon[2] Are Tjihkkom Ájlátten: Tjihkkom Almmudahka, ISBN 978-82-692239-0-3
Macedonian 1957 Алиса во земјата на чудата
(Alisa vo zemjata na čudata)
Славчо Темков (Slavčo Temkov) Skopje: Издавачко претпријатие „Култура“ (Izdavačko pretprijatie "Kultura").
Maltese 2003 Alice fil-Pajjiż ta’ l-Għeġubijiet John Sciberras Gudja: Pubblikazzjoni Kotba Sagħtar, Gutenberg Press, ISBN 9990964181.
Manx 1990 Contoyrtyssyn Ealish Ayns Çheer ny Yindyssyn Brian Stowell [s.l.]: [s.n.].
Second edition 2006, Rhumsaa: Yn Chesaght Ghailckagh, ISBN 1-870029-33-X (under the title Ealish ayns Cheer ny Yindyssyn).
Third edition 2010, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-48-0.
Mennonite Low German 2012 Dee Erläwnisse von Alice em Wundalaund Jack Thiessen Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-83-1
Middle English 2013 The Aventures of Alys in Wondyr Lond Brian S. Lee Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-031-9.
Neapolitan 2016 L'Avventure d'Alìce 'int' 'o Paese d' 'e Maraveglie Roberto D'Ajello Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-155-2.
Neo 2013 L'Aventuros d'Alis in Marvoland Ralph Midgley Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-019-7
Norwegian 1903 Else i Eventyrland Margrethe Horn Kristiania: Olaf Norlis Forlag.
Norwegian 1979 Alice i Eventyrland Zinken Hopp Oslo: Aschehoug.
Old English 2015 Æðelgýðe Ellendǽda on Wundorlande Peter S. Baker Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-112-5.
Palatine German 2013 De Lissel ehr Erlebnisse im Wunnerland Franz Schlosser Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-042-5
Persian 1959 آلیس در سرزمین عجایب Hassan Honarmandi Tehran: Nil
Persian 1997 آلیس در سرزمین عجایب Zoya Pirzad Tehran: Markaz
Polish 1910 Przygody Alinki w Krainie Cudów Adela S. Warszawa: Wyd. M. Arcta.
Polish 1927 Ala w Krainie Czarów Maria Morawska Warszawa: Wyd. Gebethner i Wolff.
Polish 1955 Alicja w Krainie Czarów Antoni Marianowicz Warszawa: Nasza Księgarnia.
Polish 1965 Przygody Alicji w Krainie Czarów Maciej Słomczyński Warszawa: Czytelnik.
Polish 1986 Alicja w Krainie Czarów i Po drugiej stronie Lustra Robert Stiller Warszawa: Alfa.
Polish 1999 Alicja w Krainie Czarów Jolanta Kozak Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka.
Polish 2000 Alicja w Krainie Czarów Iwona Libucha Warszawa: Siedmioróg.
Polish 2010 Alicja w Krainie Czarów Krzysztof Dworak Warszawa: Buchmann.
Polish 2010 Alicja w Krainie Czarów Bogumiła Kaniewska Poznań: Vesper.
Portuguese 1931 Alice no País das Maravilhas Monteiro Lobato São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional.
Portuguese 2010 Aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas & Através do Espelho e o que Alice encontrou por lá Maria Luiza X. de A. Borges Brazil: Zahar, ISBN 978-85-378-0172-7. Two books in the same edition.
Russian 1879 Соня въ царствѣ дива
(Sonja v tsarstvě diva)
Anonymous; posited to be Ekaterina Timiryazeva (later Boratynskaya) Moscow: Типография Мамонтова (Tipografija Mamontova)
Facsimile edition 2013, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-040-1 in colour, paperback; [s.l.]: Lewis Carroll Society of North America, ISBN 978-0-930326-00-5 in greyscale, hardcover (both under the title Соня въ царствѣ дива: Sonja in a Kingdom of Wonder: A facsimile of the first Russian translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)
New edition in modern orthography, 2017, Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-198-9, under the title Соня в царстве дива (Sonja v tsarstve diva)
Russian 1923 Аня в стране чудес
(Anja v strane čudes)
В. Сирин (V. Sirin, pseudonym of Vladimir Nabokov) Berlin: Izdatel′stvo Gamaiun.
Russian 1967 Приключения Алисы в стране чудес
(Priključenija Alisy v strane čudes)
Нина М. Демурова (Nina M. Demurova) Sofia: Издательство литературы на иностранных языках (Izdatel′stvo literatury na inostrannyx jazykax).
Russian 1971 Приключения Алисы в стране чудес
(Priključenija Alisy v strane čudes)
Борис Заходер (Boris Zakhoder) Moscow: Pioneer Magazine, 1971 #12, 1972 #2–3.
Russian 1977 Приключения Алисы в стране чудес
(Priključenija Alisy v strane čudes)
Александр А. Щербаков (Aleksandr Ščerbakov) Moscow: Художественная литература (Xudožestvennaja literatura)
Russian 1988 Приключения Алисы в стране чудес
(Priključenija Alisy v strane čudes)
Владимир Э. Орел (Vladimir È. Orel) Moscow: Detskaya Literatura
Russian 1991 Приключения Алисы в стране чудес
(Priključenija Alisy v strane čudes)
Леонид Л. Яхнин (Leonid L. Jaxnin) Moscow: Pioneer Magazine, 1991 #1–3.
Sambahsa 2013 Ia Aventures as Alice in Daumsenland Olivier Simon Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-047-0
Samoan 2013 ʻO Tāfaoga a ʻĀlise i le Nuʻu o Mea Ofoofogia Luafata Simanu-Klutz Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-023-4
Scots 2011 Ailice’s Àventurs in Wunnerland Sandy Fleemin Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-64-0
Scots (Border) 2015 Ahlice's Adveenturs in Wunderlaant Cameron Halfpenny Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-087-6.
Scots (Caithness) 2014 Alice's Mishanters in e Land o Farlies Catherine Byrne Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-060-9
Scots (Glaswegian) 2014 Alice's Adventirs in Wunnerlaun Thomas Clark Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-070-8.
Scots (North-East or Doric) 2013 Ailice’s Anters in Ferlielann Derrick McClure Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-016-6
Scots (Shetland) 2013 Alice’s Adventirs in Wonderlaand Laureen Johnson Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-008-1
Scots (Synthetic) 2013 Ailis's Anterins i the Laun o Ferlies Andrew McCallum Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-026-5
Scots (Ulster) 2011 Alice’s Carrànts in Wunnerlan Ann Morrison-Smyth Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-80-0
Second edition 2013, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-011-1.
Scots (West Central Scots or Ayrshire) 2014 Alison's Jants in Ferlieland James Andrew Begg Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-084-5
Scottish Gaelic 2013 Eachdraidh Ealasaid ann an Tìr na Iongantas Moray Watson Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-015-9
Scouse 2015 Alice's Adventchers in Wunderland Marvin R. Sumner Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-107-1.
Serbian 1923 Алиса у чаробној земљи
(Alisa u čarobnoj zemlji)
Станислав Винавер (Stanislav Vinaver) Beograd: Vreme.
Shona 2015 Alice muNyika yeMashiripiti Shumirai Nyota & Tsitsi Nyoni Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-066-1.
Shor 2017 Алисаның қайғаллығ Черинде полған чоруқтары
(Alisanıñ qayğallığ Çerinde polğan çoruqtarı)
Любовь Арбачакова (Liubovʹ Arbaçakova) Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-189-7
Sinhalese 1963 සිහින ලෝකය Sudas Maskorale
Slovak 2004 Alica v krajine zázrakov Juraj Vojtek Bratislava: Slovart, ISBN 80-7145-939-9
Slovenian 1951 Alica v Deveti Deželi Bogo Pregelj Ljubljana: Mladinska Knjiga
Slovenian 2008 Alica v Nori Deželi Evald Flisar Ljubljana: Vodnikova založba, ISBN 9789616067447
Spanish 1922 Alicia en el País de las Maravillas Juan Gutiérrez Gili Madrid: Editorial Rivadeneyra.
Spanish 2003 Alicia en el País de las Maravillas Francisco Torres Oliver Madrid: Ediciones Akal, ISBN 978-84-460-2071-4.
Surayt (Turoyo Aramaic) 2015 Alis bu Cëlmo dac Cojube w dat Tantelat Jan Beṯ-Ṣawoce Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 9781782010821.
Swahili 1940 Elisi katika Nchi ya Ajabu Edward St Lo Malet Re-edition 1966, London: Sheldon Press.
Swahili 2015 Alisi Ndani ya Nchi ya Ajabu Ida Hadjivayanis Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-122-4.
Swedish 1870 Alice's Äfventyr i Sagolandet Emily Nonnen Stockholm: Oscar L. Lamm.
Facsimile edition 1984, Stockholm, Rediviva, ISBN 91-7120-179-3.
New edition 2010, Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-61-9 (under the title Alices Äventyr i Sagolandet)
Swedish 1898 Alices äfventyr i sagolandet Louise Arosenius Stockholm: Norstedt
Swedish 1917 Alices märkvärdiga äventyr i Underlandet Joel Söderberg Stockholm: Magn. Bergvall
Swedish 1936 Alices äventyr i Underlandet Nino Runeberg & Arne Runeberg Stockholm: Natur & Kultur
Swedish 1945 Alices äventyr i sagolandet och Bakom spegeln Gösta Knutsson Stockholm: Jan.
New edition 1981, Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand, ISBN 91-46-13969-9.
Swedish 1946 Alices äventyr i underlandet Gemma Funtek-Snellman Stockholm: Natur & Kultur
Swedish 1947 Alices äventyr i drömlandet Rose Svantesson Stockholm: Harriers Bokförlag Ab
Swedish 1966 Alice i Underlandet Åke Runnquist Stockholm: Bonnier
Several editions, the latest being 2000, Stockholm, Bonnier Carlsen, ISBN 91-638-3874-5.
Swedish 1976 Alice i Underlandet Ingalill Behre Stockholm: Lindblad, ISBN 91-32-11507-5
Swedish 1977 Alice i Underlandet & Spegellandet Harry Lundin Uddevalla: Niloe, ISBN 91-7102-074-8
Swedish 2009 Alice i underlandet Christina Westman Stockholm: B. Wahlström, ISBN 978-91-32-15664-9
Tongan 2014 ʻAlisi ʻi he Fonua ʻo e Fakaofoʹ Siutāula Cocker and Telesia Kalavite Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-062-3.
Ukrainian 1960 В країні чудес.
(V krajini čudes)
Kyiv: Радянський письменник
Viennese German 2013 Der Alice ihre Obmteier im Wunderlaund Hans Werner Sokop Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-020-3
Walloon 2012 Lès-avirètes da Alice ô payis dès mèrvèyes Jean-Luc Fauconnier Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-005-0
Welsh 1953 Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud M. Selyf Roberts Dinbych: Gee.
This translation is in classic literary Welsh and was completely revised for the 1982/2010 edition.
Welsh 1982 Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud Selyf Roberts Llandysul: Gomer, ISBN 0-86383-047-1.
New edition 2010, Cathair na Mart : Evertype, ISBN 978-1-904808-46-6.
Western Lombard 2015 I Avventur de Alìs ind el Paes di Meravili GianPietro Gallinelli Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-114-9.
Yiddish 2012 אַליסעס אַוואַנטורעס אין וווּנדערלאַנד
(Alises avantures in vunderland)
Adina Bar-El Jerusalem: Zur-Ot, ISBN 978-965-553-032-2
Yiddish 2015 Di Aventures fun Alis in Vunderland Joan Braman Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-102-6.
Zimbabwean Ndebele 2015 Insumansumane Zika-Alice Dion Nkomo Portlaoise: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-113-2.
Zulu 2014 U-Alice Ezweni Lezimanga Bhekinkosi Ntuli Cathair na Mart: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-065-4.
  1. ^ Lindseth, Jon A. – Tannenbaum, Alan (eds.): Alice in a World of Wonderlands: The Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece, vol. I, p. 739–740. New Castle: Oak Knoll Press, 2015. ISBN 978-1-58456-331-0.
  2. ^ a b Carroll, Lewis (2021). Lisá Imájájmon. Translated by Tjihkkom, Are. Ájlátten/Helland: Tjihkkom Almmudahka. ISBN 978-82-692239-0-3.
  3. ^ Lindseth, Jon A. – Tannenbaum, Alan (eds.): Alice in a World of Wonderlands: The Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece, vol. I, p. 22. New Castle: Oak Knoll Press, 2015. ISBN 978-1-58456-331-0.
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^ "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Stories by Lewis Carroll". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2016-12-18.