Transport in Costa Rica

San Pedro roundabout in San José

There are many modes of transport in Costa Rica but the country's infrastructure has suffered from a lack of maintenance and new investment. There is an extensive road system of more than 30,000 kilometers, although much of it is in disrepair; this also applies to ports, railways and water delivery systems.[1] According to a 2016 U.S. government report, investment from China that attempted to improve the infrastructure found the "projects stalled by bureaucratic and legal concerns".[2][3]

Most parts of the country are accessible by road. The main highland cities in the country's Central Valley are connected by paved all-weather roads with the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and by the Pan American Highway with Nicaragua and Panama, the neighboring countries to the north and to the south Costa Rica's ports are struggling to keep pace with growing trade. They have insufficient capacity, and their equipment is in poor condition. The railroad didn't function for several years, until recent government effort to reactivate it for city transportation. An August 2016 OECD report provided this summary: "The road network is extensive but of poor quality, railways are in disrepair and only slowly being reactivated after having been shut down in the 1990s. Seaports’ quality and capacity are deficient. Internal transportation overly relies on private road vehicles as the public transport system, especially railways, is inadequate."[4]

  1. ^ "Is infrastructure Costa Rica's Achilles' heel? | Infrastructure Intelligence".
  2. ^ " - CCG".
  3. ^ "Costa rica aml report". Archived from the original on 2017-08-05. Retrieved 2017-08-04.
  4. ^ Pisu, Mauro; Villalobos, Federico (2016). "A bird-eye view of Costa Rica's transport infrastructure | OECD Economics Department Working Papers | OECD iLibrary". doi:10.1787/5jlswbwvwqjf-en. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)