Transport in Iceland

An example of an Icelandic Road sign, showing the way to many farms and villages

The modes of transport in Iceland are governed by the country's rugged terrain and sparse population. The principal mode of personal transport is the car. There are no public railways, although there are bus services.[1] Transport from one major town to another, for example Reykjavík to Akureyri, may be by aeroplane on a domestic flight. The only ways of getting in and out of the country are by air and sea. Most of the country's transport infrastructure is concentrated near the Capital Region, which is home to 64% of the country's population.[2]

  1. ^ "Three major projects (EUR1 billion) at Keflavik Airport in next 12 years – right choice? Part one". CAPA - Centre for Aviation. Retrieved 2023-04-27.
  2. ^ "Population by municipality, age and sex 1998-2022 - Division into municipalites as of 1 January 2023". PX-Web. Retrieved 2023-04-27.