Transport in Nigeria

Nigeria’s transport network has expanded in recent years to accommodate a growing population. The transport and storage sector was valued at N2.6trn ($6.9bn) in current basic prices in 2020, down from N3trn ($8bn) in 2019, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This was reflected in a lower contribution to GDP, at 1.8% in the fourth quarter of 2020, down from 2.1% during the same period the previous year but higher than the 0.8% recorded in the third quarter of 2020. One of the most significant challenges facing the sector is meeting the needs of both large coastal cities and rural inland communities in order to fully unlock the country’s economic potential. This is especially the case with mining and agriculture, both of which are expected to benefit from two large-scale projects: the Lekki Port in Lagos and the Kano-Maradi rail line in the north of the country.[1]

Although transport networks have historically been underfunded, the government is prioritising their development, as enhanced connectivity is key to supporting growth in non-oil sectors such as manufacturing and agriculture. This will help the country diversify its sources of income away from oil, and connect rural and underserved communities to commercial centres. Moreover, planned intra-city mass transit projects are expected to improve the quality of life for Nigeria’s 102.8m urban residents.[1]

  1. ^ a b "Multi-modal transport links to boost Nigeria's competitiveness". Oxford Business Group. 2021-12-15. Retrieved 2022-05-23.