Trematoda is a whole-living worm that lives in different parts of the host's body, some of which live in bile ducts. These are called hepatic worms such as Fasciola species, including species that live in the intestines such as the genus Heterophyes, including those living in blood vessels such as the genus that causes schistosomiasis, the genus of Schistosoma. Including what lives in the lung such as the genus of Paragonimus.[1]
These worms are characterized by particular growth in the reproductive organs and reduction in the organs of movement and digestion, most of which are effeminate, that the worm contains the female and male reproductive system, except for the genus causing schistosomiasis.[2] Their life cycle includes intermediate hosts, are usually snails. There are about 70 species out of a total of 100,000 or more species of snails are the middle families of worms that infect humans.
Trematoda has a different life cycle in Kuwait because Kuwait does not have the perfect environment for Trematoda to grow as it does in other countries. Trematoda tries to cohabit with Kuwait's atmosphere, so it changes its life cycle. There are different types of Trematoda as mentioned, but each type has its life cycle, which means each one of those types will change their life cycles to survive in Kuwait's environment.
essential types of worms in Kuwait is the following: