Tremont House (Boston)

Tremont House in 1834 rendering

Tremont House (1829 – c.1895), sometimes called the Tremont Hotel, was a hotel designed in 1829 by Isaiah Rogers in Boston, Massachusetts.[1] Notable guests included Davy Crockett[2] and Charles Dickens.[3]

  1. ^ Tremont is always pronounced trem-mont in Boston, not tree-mont.
  2. ^ "Col. Davy Crockett arrived in this city on Monday, and put up at the Tremont House. He thinks Boston is the handsomest city he has seen. ... He has accepted an invitation to visit the Tremont theatre this evening. There was quite a crowd assembled in State-Street at noon yesterday to see the Colonel, but he was detained till a very late hour by the interesting performances at the Roxbury India rubber factory." cf. Boston Gazette, May 6, 1842
  3. ^ Benjamin F. Stevens. Tremont House: the exit of an old landmark. The Bostonian, v.1, no.4 1895.